I don't have a LJ, so I'll have to post my answers here: (I will skip adding all of my videos, because there are too many and it would make this post rather long. After several years of no inspiration, my vidding exploded this year.)
My favorite video this year Punching Your Way Through This is my favorite for lots of reasons. I really went out of my comfort zone with camera angles on this one. Watching it now, it makes me a touch dizzy, but I'm still content with the way it came out, because without stepping out, I won't ever realize what I'm capable of doing.
My least favorite video this year She Wolf I dislike this video for a multitude of reasons. This was the last video I made before re-ripping all of my clips with a new, much crisper ripper. As such, the clips in this are fuzzy and just bad. The fuzziness of the clips screwed with the color and rather than having red tints, it has more of a red overlay. Overall, I just hate it. It's also my first video of the year, and when I watch this, I can see just how far I've come in the year.
Most successful video Innuendo I made this video for my best friend, and when she shared it with others it pretty much exploded. When I look at it, all I see are the glitches and errors (and that horrible opening). But everyone else seems to love it. It should be noted that I do not ship this couple and my bff does.
Video most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion Declivity There is absolutely nothing that I don't love about this video! I've never done one like it before, and might not ever again. Perhaps it's reception was not as well received because of how short it is? I'm not sure. It just seemed like no one has ever paid any attention to it and that makes me sad, because I really feel like it's one of my better videos.
Most fun video It Sucks to Be Me This was my 100th video, and I wanted to do something completely different. This has a lot of talky face in it, but I feel like it works within the context of the song.
Video with single sexiest moment -
Almost Had It All I think this is my sexiest video, but that's because I absolutely LOVE the mind-f*cking that goes on between Kashyk and Janeway. The series ended ten years ago, and fans still argue over whether there were any feeling there, or it was all an act.
Biggest vid fail -
Feel Like A Monster This is a great vid if you're not looking for a storyline, but rather just a great big, fight video. The problem with that is that I had a storyline. And somewhere in it all, I lost the story. So I classify this as the biggest fail.
Hardest video to make -
Go One More I've already posted this video in another thread, but this one was definitely the hardest because it was a vid request by my friend Amy. I always tend to obsess and over stress requests because I try really hard to make the final product match up to the idea the requester has. It's why I don't often agree to do the requests. This video is actually the 3rd edition! I completely scrapped the two before it. It took me forever to complete, but she loved the result.
Most unintentionally telling video -
It's Lonely at the Top Sometimes I vid because I really like a song, or I have a great storyline. This I video was a result of my own feelings though. I was going through a bought of pretty bad depression and that feeling seeped into my vidding. The darkness, the sadness, the loneliness were all the way I was feeling myself.
What you're planning for 2012 - Ooooh, I'm so excited about the coming year and the ideas floating around in my head already. Terra Nova definitely. I already have at least one idea floating around in my head. I've got a OUAT video planned. I also have a LOST video I'm in the beginning stages of. And I'm sure I'll make more Voyager videos, seeing as it was my first love.
Anything else you want to add - My videos don't tend to be effects heavy. I usually pick one aspect to play with be it color, camera angle, transitions, etc. I hope to become more comfortable playing with the source in the coming year and to hopefully learn how to duplicate some of the tougher effects I've seen and have been too chicken to attempt up to now. I'd also like to be able to open After Effects and not shut it down immediately out of fear (as I've done several times this year)